X11 Compositing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Manually Updating Redirected Windows
Image by Jeyla - hkhazo.biz.id

X11 Compositing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Manually Updating Redirected Windows

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If you’re an avid Linux user, you’ve likely encountered the terms “X11 compositing” and “window redirection” at some point. But what do they really mean, and how do they impact your desktop experience? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of X11 compositing, explore how window redirection works, and provide a comprehensive guide on how to manually update redirected windows.

What is X11 Compositing?

X11 compositing is a technology used in Linux-based systems to enhance the visual performance of graphical applications. It allows multiple windows to be composed together, creating a seamless and visually appealing desktop environment. Compositing enables features like window transparency, animations, and 3D effects, which are now an integral part of modern desktop experiences.

The Role of the Compositor

In an X11 compositing system, the compositor is the mastermind behind the scenes. It’s responsible for:

  • Rearranging and combining window buffers to create the final desktop image
  • Handling window resizing, movement, and stacking
  • Implementing visual effects, such as window fading and animations
  • Managing window focus and input handling

Window Redirection: What Happens Behind the Scenes

Window redirection is a mechanism used by X11 compositing to optimize performance and reduce visual artifacts. When a window is redirected, its graphical content is sent to a separate, off-screen buffer instead of being rendered directly to the screen. This allows the compositor to:

  • Reduce screen tearing and flickering
  • Improve performance by reducing the number of direct rendering operations
  • Enable advanced visual effects, such as window shadows and reflections

The Redirected Window Workflow

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the redirected window workflow:

  1. The application renders its graphical content to an off-screen buffer
  2. The compositor receives the rendered content and stores it in a redirected window buffer
  3. The compositor composes the redirected window buffer with other windows and visual elements
  4. The final, composed desktop image is presented to the user

Manually Updating Redirected Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide

In some cases, you may need to manually update a redirected window to ensure it remains in sync with the rest of the desktop. This might be necessary when:

  • A redirected window is not updating correctly
  • You’re experiencing visual artifacts or tearing
  • You’ve modified the window’s content or properties


Before we dive into the manual update process, make sure you have:

  • A working X11 compositing system
  • A compositor installed and running (e.g., GNOME Shell, KDE Plasma, or XFWM)
  • A redirected window that needs updating

The Manual Update Process

Follow these steps to manually update a redirected window:

  1. xwininfo command to identify the window ID of the redirected window:
  2. $ xwininfo -root -tree | grep "Redirected Window"
  3. command to retrieve the window properties:
  4. $ xprop -id 
  5. Check the output for the _NET_WM_REDIRECTED property, which should be set to true. If it’s not, the window is not redirected, and you can skip to the next step.
  6. xrestop command to suspend the compositor and pause window updates:
  7. $ xrestop -suspend
  8. xrandr command to disable the redirected window’s buffering:
  9. $ xrandr --output  --disable-redirect
  10. Update the window content or properties as needed (e.g., resize, move, or update the window’s content)
  11. xrandr command to re-enable the redirected window’s buffering:
  12. $ xrandr --output  --enable-redirect
  13. xrestop command to resume the compositor and allow window updates:
  14. $ xrestop -resume
  15. Verify the redirected window has been updated correctly by checking its content and properties.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues during the manual update process, refer to the following troubleshooting tips:

Issue Solution
Window not updating Check if the compositor is running and the window is correctly redirected. Verify the _NET_WM_REDIRECTED property is set to true.
Visual artifacts or tearing Disable the compositor and try updating the window again. If the issue persists, try adjusting the compositor’s settings or switching to a different compositor.
Incorrect window content or properties Verify the window content and properties are updated correctly. Check the window’s ID and properties using xwininfo and xprop.


X11 compositing and window redirection are powerful technologies that enhance the Linux desktop experience. By following this guide, you should now be able to manually update redirected windows and troubleshoot common issues. Remember to use the xwininfo, xprop, xrestop, and xrandr commands to identify and update redirected windows, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different compositor settings to achieve the best results for your system.

With practice and patience, you’ll master the art of X11 compositing and become a Linux desktop ninja. Happy troubleshooting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on X11 compositing and learn how to manually update redirected windows!

What is X11 compositing and why do I need to update redirected windows?

X11 compositing is a technique used to improve the performance of graphical user interfaces by offloading window rendering to the GPU. Redirected windows are windows that are not directly rendered by the GPU, but instead, are redirected to the compositing manager. You need to manually update redirected windows to ensure that they are properly rendered and displayed on the screen.

How do I know if a window is redirected?

You can use the `xwininfo` command to check if a window is redirected. Run `xwininfo -id ` and look for the `Redirected` property. If it’s set to `True`, then the window is redirected.

What is the command to manually update a redirected window?

The command to manually update a redirected window is `Xdamage -window -damage`. This command tells the X server to update the redirected window.

Can I automate the process of updating redirected windows?

Yes, you can automate the process of updating redirected windows using scripts or tools like `xdotool` or `xprop`. You can write a script that periodically runs the `Xdamage` command to update the redirected windows.

What are the benefits of manually updating redirected windows?

Manually updating redirected windows can improve the performance and responsiveness of your graphical user interface. It ensures that windows are properly rendered and displayed, reducing the likelihood of visual artifacts and lag.

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