Cypress Skips the First Letter When Typing: A Comprehensive Guide to Resolving the Issue
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Cypress Skips the First Letter When Typing: A Comprehensive Guide to Resolving the Issue

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of Cypress skipping the first letter when typing? You’re not alone! Many developers and testers have encountered this issue, and it can be a real productivity killer. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of Cypress and explore the reasons behind this quirk, as well as the solutions to overcome it.

Table of Contents

The Problem Explained

When using Cypress for automated testing or interactive development, you might notice that the first letter of your input is being skipped. For example, if you’re trying to type the word “hello”, Cypress might only register “ello”. This can lead to errors, timeouts, and a whole lot of frustration.

But why does this happen? There are a few reasons why Cypress might skip the first letter:

  • Focus issues: Sometimes, Cypress struggles to gain focus on the input field, resulting in the first letter being skipped.
  • Typing speed: If you’re typing too quickly, Cypress might not be able to keep up, leading to skipped characters.
  • Browser limitations: Certain browsers or browser versions might have limitations that cause Cypress to skip the first letter.
  • Configuration issues: Incorrect or incomplete configuration can also lead to this problem.

Solutions to the Problem

Luckily, there are several solutions to overcome the issue of Cypress skipping the first letter when typing. Let’s dive into each of them:

Solution 1: Focus on the Input Field

One of the simplest solutions is to ensure that Cypress has focus on the input field before typing. You can do this by adding a `focus` command before typing:


This will guarantee that Cypress has focus on the input field, reducing the chances of the first letter being skipped.

Solution 2: Slow Down Your Typing

Another solution is to slow down your typing speed. You can do this by adding a short delay between characters using the `type` command with the `delay` option:

cy.get('input').type('hello', { delay: 50 })

In this example, Cypress will type each character with a 50ms delay, giving the browser enough time to register each key press.

Solution 3: Use a Different Browser

If you’re using a browser that’s known to have limitations or issues with Cypress, try switching to a different browser. For example, if you’re using Firefox, try switching to Chrome or Edge:

npx cypress run --browser chrome

This will run Cypress with the Chrome browser, which might resolve the issue.

Solution 4: Adjust Your Configuration

Finally, double-check your Cypress configuration to ensure that it’s not causing the issue. Check your `cypress/support/index.js` file for any custom configurations that might be interfering with typing:

// cypress/support/index.js
import './commands'

// Disable animations to improve performance
Cypress.config('animate', false)

In this example, the animation is disabled to improve performance. Adjust your configuration as needed to resolve the issue.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Beyond the solutions mentioned above, here are some additional tips and tricks to help you overcome the issue of Cypress skipping the first letter:

  • Use `cy.get()` with a timeout: If you’re using `cy.get()` to retrieve an element, try adding a timeout to give the element enough time to load:

    cy.get('input', { timeout: 10000 }).type('hello')
  • Avoid using `cy.type()` with multiple arguments: When using `cy.type()` with multiple arguments, Cypress might skip the first letter. Instead, use a single string argument:

    cy.get('input').type('hello world') // instead of cy.get('input').type('hello', 'world')
  • Disable browser extensions: Browser extensions can sometimes interfere with Cypress. Try disabling them to see if it resolves the issue.


Cypress skipping the first letter when typing can be a frustrating issue, but with the solutions and tips mentioned above, you should be able to overcome it. Remember to focus on the input field, slow down your typing, try a different browser, adjust your configuration, and follow the additional tips and tricks to ensure that Cypress registers your input correctly.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue and enjoying a seamless testing experience with Cypress.

Solution Description
Solution 1: Focus on the Input Field Use `focus` command before typing to ensure Cypress has focus on the input field
Solution 2: Slow Down Your Typing Use `type` command with `delay` option to slow down typing speed
Solution 3: Use a Different Browser Switch to a different browser to resolve browser limitations or issues
Solution 4: Adjust Your Configuration Check and adjust your Cypress configuration to resolve the issue

By implementing these solutions and following the additional tips and tricks, you’ll be able to resolve the issue of Cypress skipping the first letter when typing and enjoy a more efficient testing experience.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on Cypress skipping the first letter when typing – we’ve got the answers you’re looking for!

What’s the deal with Cypress skipping the first letter when I type?

Cypress is designed to mimic real user behavior, and sometimes, users might accidentally skip the first letter when typing. This quirk is intentionally built into Cypress to make testing more realistic!

Is there a way to disable this feature in Cypress?

Yes, you can disable the skipping of the first letter by using the {selectAll: true} option when typing. This will ensure that every character is typed, including the first one!

Why does Cypress skip the first letter in the first place?

Cypress simulates real user behavior, and sometimes, users might be a bit slow to start typing or might accidentally skip the first letter. By skipping the first letter, Cypress ensures that tests are more realistic and replicable!

Does this quirk affect the accuracy of my Cypress tests?

Not at all! Cypress’s skipping of the first letter is just a minor aspect of its realistic typing behavior. Your tests will still be accurate and reliable, and this quirk won’t affect the overall testing experience!

Can I configure Cypress to always type the first letter?

While there isn’t a direct configuration option, you can use a custom command or a wrapper function to always type the first letter. Check out the Cypress documentation for more info on how to create custom commands!

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